Beast of the shadows
Wading from the stream, I went straight to Cana, kneeling at her feet. While she awaited my approach, she told the healer that she'd been simply horrid as a child. That is something I can't picture but when Falon asked her ... why, we all cracked up laughing. I grew more than serious when she motioned to the foal and told me she wanted me to choose a name for him. He was to be a gift once he had a name. Such gift, she gave to me in this honor. Her gifts often carry lesson to them and I'd grown to listen to them. Ones that to this moment have helped begin to shape me. Every line of my body and face went into silent query if I could go to him.
She began telling the history of the young kaiila while I let him take in my scent and began getting to know him. He had spirit but beneath the will there was a longing too that became almost immediately noticeable. He balked to the probe of my hands at first but soon stilled to the exploration. He had been born just before the move and she said the fact he had survived said much for him. I listen for the pearls of wisdom that the woman offers, finding more depth than the surface level much of the time. So when she said the ones that live in spite of all things being against them, often make the best and most loyal beasts, that they often live long happy lives, like Brute had. I not only paid attention but I took her words to heart.
The inspection of the colt though was not very different than the appraisal of a slave. The tone of muscle, the health of the animal, his teeth and gums as well as ears and claws were carefully checked. His demeanor and attitude among the list.
The women spoke of Master Kam's kaiila which brought the memory of the day before. I added gently that he would be our Orachu, the beast of the shadows, the protector. Cana thought that was a perfect name for the foal and when I looked back at him, it did seem like a fitting title. Orachu was to be Me too's mount. I felt a touch of guilt that the boy did not have what most boys his age already have. I was not his mother but I still felt the responsibility of his needs. So I met their gaze at first suspiciously or maybe not daring to hear what they were saying. If anyone can bring the shimmer along my lashes, it is usually Cana that can bring them almost to the surface. I couldn't find voice for a moment then in a cracked whisper I tried to tell her that the foal would be a fine mount for him and the would be honored to accept such a gift. It was with deserved respect that I bowed my head to the woman. I would ensure he understood the value of such an offering.
She had more for me to do. Someone would need to care for the beast as well as teach Me too about him. We both spoke at the same time. I was asking if I could be allowed, she was saying she had hoped I could find the time. She knew me pretty well as evidence in the smile she offered. Having the same train of thought was something I had grown used to with the physician and had to laugh doing it with Cana now.
The women spoke of Master Kam's kaiila which brought the memory of the day before. I added gently that he would be our Orachu, the beast of the shadows, the protector. Cana thought that was a perfect name for the foal and when I looked back at him, it did seem like a fitting title. Orachu was to be Me too's mount. I felt a touch of guilt that the boy did not have what most boys his age already have. I was not his mother but I still felt the responsibility of his needs. So I met their gaze at first suspiciously or maybe not daring to hear what they were saying. If anyone can bring the shimmer along my lashes, it is usually Cana that can bring them almost to the surface. I couldn't find voice for a moment then in a cracked whisper I tried to tell her that the foal would be a fine mount for him and the would be honored to accept such a gift. It was with deserved respect that I bowed my head to the woman. I would ensure he understood the value of such an offering.
She had more for me to do. Someone would need to care for the beast as well as teach Me too about him. We both spoke at the same time. I was asking if I could be allowed, she was saying she had hoped I could find the time. She knew me pretty well as evidence in the smile she offered. Having the same train of thought was something I had grown used to with the physician and had to laugh doing it with Cana now.
The woman knew too that I'd been out among the rest of the herd, getting to know them, letting them get to know me. She'd noticed and said I had a way with them. In fact, she had gone so far as to tell the others of the clan that I would be spending more time among the kaiila. Those words felt like a gift as to me as well.
I mentioned the saddle and bridle I'd won in the wager, though they needed a lot of work. There wasn't chance to ask if I could keep them though it seemed they would remain mine since there would be new tack and a saddle waiting in the boy's wagon. The ones Cana was offering were in addition to the set that Falon had given him. The boy now had two sets and he would not just be outfitted now but as he grew as well. Was this pride the same as what a blood mother felt for her children? I just embraced her without even thinking. It was accepted and she whispered against my ear ... "He is lucky to have you and I am so very happy to see how he flourishes under your attentions."
Cana has given me most, she has a belief in me. I agree with her that sometimes she sees things that others do not though it was a great source of pride that she had seen these things in me. "I know you will never disappoint me." I can still feel the strength in those words.
When it all caught up with me and I managed to find my voice again, it all came out in a barage of chatter. A million questions all rolled up into one that made both women laugh. Among that was my concern about Me Too's frustrations, his anger and the lashing out without thinking, that he had so much inside that had no outlet. Cana held my gaze, so much unspoken communication is carried in the depths of those eyes. In that quiet tone of hers, she explained that learning to care for another would be a help.
When the conversation turned to match making among the two women, I told Orachu no one was immune and they would do the same for him one day but not to worry, they were pretty good at it. He still balked.
Before I led the young foal away, I heard them speaking of needing a pure black stallion for breeding. That was when I told the kaiila Mistress breathlessly about the ebon archangel I'd seen. She knew that one ... his name was Hakan. It means fire.
I mentioned the saddle and bridle I'd won in the wager, though they needed a lot of work. There wasn't chance to ask if I could keep them though it seemed they would remain mine since there would be new tack and a saddle waiting in the boy's wagon. The ones Cana was offering were in addition to the set that Falon had given him. The boy now had two sets and he would not just be outfitted now but as he grew as well. Was this pride the same as what a blood mother felt for her children? I just embraced her without even thinking. It was accepted and she whispered against my ear ... "He is lucky to have you and I am so very happy to see how he flourishes under your attentions."
Cana has given me most, she has a belief in me. I agree with her that sometimes she sees things that others do not though it was a great source of pride that she had seen these things in me. "I know you will never disappoint me." I can still feel the strength in those words.
When it all caught up with me and I managed to find my voice again, it all came out in a barage of chatter. A million questions all rolled up into one that made both women laugh. Among that was my concern about Me Too's frustrations, his anger and the lashing out without thinking, that he had so much inside that had no outlet. Cana held my gaze, so much unspoken communication is carried in the depths of those eyes. In that quiet tone of hers, she explained that learning to care for another would be a help.
When the conversation turned to match making among the two women, I told Orachu no one was immune and they would do the same for him one day but not to worry, they were pretty good at it. He still balked.
Before I led the young foal away, I heard them speaking of needing a pure black stallion for breeding. That was when I told the kaiila Mistress breathlessly about the ebon archangel I'd seen. She knew that one ... his name was Hakan. It means fire.
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