The top of the wagon opened to let in the richness of the open sky. The edges melting away like a flame will the center of a parchment to expose the twinkling of lights above me. It was such a beautiful world. The lines of vaporous clouds traced through them like fingers. Each tinged with a different color. The night is not simply dark nor black but a wonderful array of pinks, purples, reds and greens mingled with shades from a moonstone. It gave me a peaceful feel to look up at it.
I was dreaming. I had to be.
I couldn't remember how long it had been since I'd seen the painted man but he was there in the corners of my sight.
His smile.
I wanted to reach up and touch it.
I did reach but he was too far away.
His whispers.
He touched me in return with soft spoken words that held reassurance, guidance, even admonishment though they were never harsh. He spoke of the courage it had taken to face this journey, to come so far. Was I truly ready to give it all up now? He didn't need to hear my answer, I did. No. There was still a long way to go, there were still trials and tribulations to meet and I would. There was more than here and now whether I could see that or not. Life like the sky I was looking into was more than tidbits of light trying to strain their way beyond where they were to shine in the darkness.
I saw a happiness that I could feel like the arms I had tried to wrap around the one that owned me. Was that not what was most important? Was that not why I was here in the first place? To see light brought into the emptiness? I heard the laughter rolling like the soft sound of summer thunder. I saw peacefulness in gentle spoken words shared that would create the chisel of smile into a line of scars that had not known them in too long.
I could see farther despite the fact I was no Haruspex. It did not take one to see what unfolded in my dream. I reached out to touch the face of the painted one and told him thank you for sharing such a beautiful vision.
Tomorrow, the small remembrances would bring a smile even at the oddest of times.
I would watch the dream unfold
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