A raid on a berry patch had yeilded a vast amount of the sun warmed little globes. They were lightly sweet but still had just a touch of tartness that made your hand snake back to the basket for another. It took sheer willpower not to start the 'one for the jelly, two for me' count.
One of the women provided jars, another a large stock pot and still another the sugar. As hot as the days were, we thought nothing of crouching over the searing heat, stirring the berries lovingly into a jam. It didn't seem to take much encouragement for the water to boil for the hot water baths that would seal the lids tight. Mmm how the air took on that delicious fruity aroma just before we heard the lids do that little ... 'pop' sound.
When the last jar sealed, we were surrounded by small glistening jars filled with sparkly ruby red. We had two cases each and Palla gave me her two as well. She didn't like the stuff, she just enjoyed making it. I could understand. I had enjoyed the task as well, far more than nibbling a bit of toast lathered with the treat to be honest. Cana later said she thought the woman had more on her mind than jellies to give Him all of hers as well. Actually, people did things like that all the time, drop off a hand made quilt, reins for a kaiila, jerky strips and so forth. It made them feel good to share and too it was sort of their homage to their Ubar. Either way I took four of the crates back to the wagons.
I'm still a bit unnerved that I can 'feel' him when he is close. It isn't always acurate and I have no words to describe the empty feeling inside when I go running to the fires and find myself mistaken but the times I'm not make up for it. Last eve was one of those times. There he was. Dust covered, tired and after being out riding for several days he was as pungeantly ripe as the berries, he is still the jam in my jelly roll.
Making jams was only a small thought in the back of my head when I offered to bring him a basin of hot water. It almost broke my heart to hear he was only there for a few moments then would ride back out. I worry, it is what I do. I'm not the only one that worries about him. Although Falon chided me about him being a big boy and capable of taking care of himself, she did say at least the parcels of meat I tucked in his pack were there when he needed them.
A young Master named Trilock mentioned that a woman without a nose rings was like not having tits or brains. Damned, if I didn't reach up and touch the empty spot beneath my nose. Good thing I didn't reach up and grope my chest just to check.
When the conversations turned again to family, I leaned over to see if he had started that little tic he was famous for. Instead he had drifted off for a moment. I must not have been quick enough refilling that bowl of blackwine. It was touching though. Brushing a lock of his hair from his brow something clutched deep inside. I felt a longing for something I didn't have.
When Tarra arrived at the fires, she said she had missed me. I confessed that I'd missed her and the others as well. I had. I'd bring some of the honey to her when I knew she would be at her wagon and some of the jellies too. There was enough to share with Cana and Falon too. I think I will enjoy bringing them the jars and maybe sit and talk with them for a while.
I was trying to shake thoughts of jelly rolls and little jelly beans from my head when I left to make fresh blackwine and pack some meat in Rocca's saddle bag. I touched my nose again. I'm tuchuk now, I fill my kalmak out well enough, I have brains so why did that little ring make such a difference?
One of the women provided jars, another a large stock pot and still another the sugar. As hot as the days were, we thought nothing of crouching over the searing heat, stirring the berries lovingly into a jam. It didn't seem to take much encouragement for the water to boil for the hot water baths that would seal the lids tight. Mmm how the air took on that delicious fruity aroma just before we heard the lids do that little ... 'pop' sound.
When the last jar sealed, we were surrounded by small glistening jars filled with sparkly ruby red. We had two cases each and Palla gave me her two as well. She didn't like the stuff, she just enjoyed making it. I could understand. I had enjoyed the task as well, far more than nibbling a bit of toast lathered with the treat to be honest. Cana later said she thought the woman had more on her mind than jellies to give Him all of hers as well. Actually, people did things like that all the time, drop off a hand made quilt, reins for a kaiila, jerky strips and so forth. It made them feel good to share and too it was sort of their homage to their Ubar. Either way I took four of the crates back to the wagons.
I'm still a bit unnerved that I can 'feel' him when he is close. It isn't always acurate and I have no words to describe the empty feeling inside when I go running to the fires and find myself mistaken but the times I'm not make up for it. Last eve was one of those times. There he was. Dust covered, tired and after being out riding for several days he was as pungeantly ripe as the berries, he is still the jam in my jelly roll.
Making jams was only a small thought in the back of my head when I offered to bring him a basin of hot water. It almost broke my heart to hear he was only there for a few moments then would ride back out. I worry, it is what I do. I'm not the only one that worries about him. Although Falon chided me about him being a big boy and capable of taking care of himself, she did say at least the parcels of meat I tucked in his pack were there when he needed them.
A young Master named Trilock mentioned that a woman without a nose rings was like not having tits or brains. Damned, if I didn't reach up and touch the empty spot beneath my nose. Good thing I didn't reach up and grope my chest just to check.
When the conversations turned again to family, I leaned over to see if he had started that little tic he was famous for. Instead he had drifted off for a moment. I must not have been quick enough refilling that bowl of blackwine. It was touching though. Brushing a lock of his hair from his brow something clutched deep inside. I felt a longing for something I didn't have.
When Tarra arrived at the fires, she said she had missed me. I confessed that I'd missed her and the others as well. I had. I'd bring some of the honey to her when I knew she would be at her wagon and some of the jellies too. There was enough to share with Cana and Falon too. I think I will enjoy bringing them the jars and maybe sit and talk with them for a while.
I was trying to shake thoughts of jelly rolls and little jelly beans from my head when I left to make fresh blackwine and pack some meat in Rocca's saddle bag. I touched my nose again. I'm tuchuk now, I fill my kalmak out well enough, I have brains so why did that little ring make such a difference?
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