Why put it off another day?
One more walk through problems,
Built up, and stand in our way,
ah One step ahead, one step behind me
Now you gotta run to get even
Make future plans, don't dream about yesterday,
hey C'mon turn, turn this thing around
Right now,
hey It's your tomorrow
Right now,
C'mon,it's everything
Right now,
Catch a magic moment,
do it Right here and now
It means everything
Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm,
And nothing falls into place,
no Only missed by a fraction,
Slipped a little off your pace
When I drifted off to sleep, she was there, the little flaxen haired muse I was always searching for. I couldn't see her but I knew ... I knew she was leading me once again. In the past it had been through garden paths or stucco walled cities with pebble stone streets and men in white robes with incense burners. The trails always leading upward through attics and stairways. It was not the multi-layered voices of chaos or the furies showing me the past and whispering in my ear all the things that I did not wish to see when I was awake, the places, the faces I'd withdrawn from, trying to escape.
Instead, it was a serene little scene of the plains, level, even, flat as far the eye could see to the cliffed walls I remembered passing in the caravan on the way to the harriga. Little fluff tailed frevets squirreling away nuts, lizards lazily turning one eye then the next, vigilantly watching. It was the feel that was most important .. peaceful, enclosing like an embrace. Everything was just as it should be. All that disturbed the portrait of calm was one large wooden door in the middle of .. everything.
I walked to it, then around it before I returned to where I'd found it and lifted my hand for the handle. Did I feel trepidation? My heart was racing and my skin covered with a fine shimmer of dew but it was not fear nor was it anxiety .. just an unknown. Was this the door to where I was going? Was it my subconscious telling me what I expected of the future? The handle turned in my palm and I half expected to hear the eery creaking of rusted hinges but there was only a whisper of wind as the casing let loose the panel and I stepped through.
On the other side was a beautiful vista of the plains, serene, level, even, flat as far as the eye could see to the cliffed walls I remembered passing through in the caravan on the way to the harriga. Everything was just as it should be and the door was still in front of me. I walked to it, then around it before I returned to where I'd found it and lifted my hand for the handle.
This time there was no need to turn the latch and an understanding began to warm through me. I turned to walk back to the harriga, knowing that there was always another door that would open but it would always lead me ... right back to where I needed to be.
It wasn't such a bad dream to have.
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