There were wagers about just how much peach fuzz was on Me Too's rump or the size of his ... I went off to find another bota rather than let any of those visuals seep in. It was still going strong when I returned. There was more than I wanted to know about each man's preference in women both free and collared. Though some of the more raucous discussions bantered while I was off seeing to the bosk steaks. Vao mentioned it might be time to find the boy a slave and Keska motioned my direction saying he already had one. I am not sure if I should have been elated or insulted when Vao shook his head and said he meant one for the boy's furs. They almost fell over laughing just seeing the look on my face and I piped in quickly ... "Shouldn't he at least have a few scars before .. THAT .. happens?"
I don't care much for being laughed at especially when I am feeling vulnerable so I grew quiet as I usually do. A swirl of other thoughts drifted my attentions as I stared into the flames of the fire. I began to realize that I was never going to see that poochy little lower lip or the pint sized toddler playing catch up with the other children again and it left an odd sensation inside. I was proud and sad at the same time. One thing I knew for sure, the little boy I first saw was gone. I don't know now what he will be like when he grows older but I didn't have the fears I originally spoke to Cana and tried to speak to Fonce about. Nor did I worry about how well he would fit in anymore. He would return to the harigga probably swaggering with the arrogance of passing the beginnings of manhood.
My daydream was disturbed when I felt the kaiila Master's palm cup my chin and turn my focus to his. He told me that it was time to turn loose. I hadn't thought I'd coddled Me Too. I had just been trying to watch over him but the men sort of made it understood I had. Well technically they said that it was time to wean the boy, no matter how nice a bota it came in. I will leave the actuality of that conversation to your imagination.
I was grateful the topic changed and wound up learning a great deal about the different kinds of kaiila that were native to this world. Those of the plains ranged from a rich golden color to a sleek khol black and were strictly carnivorous. I knew this from helping both Cana and Vao among the herds. There was a different breed farther north in a place called the barrens where the pelts tended to be more the roan red.Those were herbivores, surviving on whatever grasses they found. I found interest in another variety that could be found in the desserts though they had wider foot pads and could live without water for longer periods of time. That ability and being able to eat both meat and vegetation they made good pack animals for journeys across the sand dunes. There were bets offered on which were the best to own but no one seemed willing to ante up against a good Tuchuk mount.
I ended up dozing off, curled up on the edge of Vao's fur though I woke the next morning all nestled in beneath it in Me Too's wagon.
Desert Sand Beasts Savages 35 Tribesmen 70-71
Southern Plains Kaiila Tribesmen 70-71
Red Barrens Savages 35
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