"The Sharing Song"
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
If you have two
Give one to your friend
If you have three
Give one to your friend and me
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It was a wonderful morning ... one that just put some umph in your step and a song on the tip of your tongue. Cana had let me borrow some tack after mine broke some time back, but I couldn't wait any longer for Jaella to make the fancy fixings she had promised. Rusty helped me find a new leather smith, Oney. He had listened to my needs carefully and what he created had been more than perfect. He had tailored the abetta styling to work just as well for cutting as well as the comfort of a long ride. When the delivery was made of the new gear, I ran my hand over the finish many times admiring the double drop dee, twelve hort roughout, high cantle as well as the intricately stitched skirts and fenders. I could not have been happier.
When I ran across blue at the main fires, it just made the smile that much brighter but not even the worry lines along her pretty face was going to dampen the morning. She wanted to know and I believe it was truly a heartfelt concern ... if I was alright. It took a bit before I understood why. I could assure her I was ... honestly. Even now I could not put my own emotions before his. I'd seen long ago what others were just beginning to. But yes, I really was doing well.
In fact, I was on a recipe gathering mission. How best to help out my friend? I admit I am new to this match making stuff, it is by no means as easy as it looks. Mistake One was asking sleen for a recipe for seasoning meat. She offered a choice .. sensual and spicy. You have no idea how quickly that went spiraling off to erotic unuendos that to sleen were anything but ... inuendos. Her questions of why I wanted the recipes in the first place mentioned that arrogant Tuchuk singer and somehow lost Cana's part in the whole thing.
I'm in no hurry but it did feel good to think about just what it was I would want of my own special someone. The obvious was rattled off first. He would like children ... maybe a lot of them. He would enjoy singing and of course he would have to enjoy riding. He and the skies would be at peace with each other and he had to like me just the way I am. sleen said it sounded like I liked him and that I should lock it down. Him? Him who? Ohhhh .. him. He's not without interest. It would be a few days before I realized that Mistake Two was trying to fix up your best friend with someone you might sort of like. We won't even go into the discussion with sleen about knocking on the back of the wagon. An icy dip in the stream sounded really really good afterwards. I am going to have to quit talking to that girl.
There was more than one reason that I was glad to see Tarra when she arrived. When she heard of what the topics had been, she got that amused gleam in her eye and I was grateful that she simply added a recipe or two of her own. Real ones. I, in the meantime, fell once more to the charms of that tiny green eyed warrior. It touched me deeply when she said that like Cana and her son Arkus, Wit had adopted me as a second mother. I told her why those eyes captured me and held me so, someone that I had loved deeply had eyes that same color. But as far as being a potential intended .. I still think Patch laid first real claim. Speaking of claim though, Wit grasped hold of sleen's hair with as much possesiveness as a full grown warrior would. Without saying a word he had made her his.
As Tarra and I continued to talk, we spoke of how Garyx was healing. I didn't realize that others had been injured as well, Ba'atar being one of them. I offered to help with the skins that Kam and Chay brought back since she didn't need any of the meat I was going to send. Looks like I would be quite busy in the next hand. It made me think too of how intertwined we all are. We spoke of those that have left the Tribe and the wish that they hadn't. It prompted me to add something else to my little list ... I do not ever want to leave the plains and the man that decides he wishes me must feel the same. I think it was a pretty good recipe the woman gave me about life. She said when a man wants a woman he will let her know how he feels as well as that there must always be communication and trust and honesty for any relationship to grow and flourish. I don't even think those need any seasoning to them. They had enough flavor just the way they were.
There are recipes for success, recipes for disasters and recipes for life too. The best ones have tattered edges because they are shared.
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