Kahlil Gibran
I ventured to the fires the following eve to find Cana steeped in conversation with none other than the bosk singer. She grows quiet and the next thing I knew he and I fell into this easy conversation. Part was about my cooking. Who told him I could cook anyway? Part was of a typically arrogant Tuchuk ... him. Did I find him amusing? Well amusing wasn't the term I would have used. I said he was not without interest. Pressed about the point I was asked to expand my train of thought. I do find his love for children refreshing, most I've met are skittish over the idea. Then there was his singing and playing the drum ... back up here .. he said we liked two of the three parts for children right there. Alright so I felt very blonde for a moment before it hit me what he meant. I tried for a nice cover by switching the topic back to music ... he could play the drum, Cana could play her flute and I .. could listen. No deal ... I would have to sing too. A song about the bosk. It would have to be another night, Cana was heading for her wagon.
Before she left, Ba'atar offered to take Tug hunting the following day along with his own brothers. He then volunteered me to help Cana season what he brought back. What a delightful friend hmm? Truth was that I felt very honored. I would add some of the meat that Vao and Me Too returned with as well as what Ebet owed me from our wager to Cana and Tarra's stores. They had given me so much and it would be nice to be able to give something in return.
As the man was leaving I asked if he would sing to the bosk that night. He said he did when he found himself in the herds but he would sing for me if I would sing for him. It felt good to tease him that he should listen better ... I already had but he needed to stay safe so that I could hear his song.
I do believe he stammered a bit when he said he would.
I think he might make a good match for Cana. Perhaps I will ply my hand to helping that along.
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