Please tell me you will remember
No matter how much I do wrong
That I had the best of intentions all along
Blades of grass twirled in my fingers while meditations twirled in my head just about as furiously. I'd worried the delicate strands until my hands had become stained green. I had plunged right back through the looking glass to look beyond fear. It was unfair of me to place Cana in such a position that she felt she needed to be an intercessor for me. However compassionate her intentions, hers and so many others as well, it was time for me to stand on my own.
I had a good conversation with Fonce of his guardianship and a not so good one with blue. So far the day was going fifty - fifty.
The skies ability to twist time and events to suit its own purpose was something that I would have to get used to, something I could not change. Nor would I ask it to. However grateful I am that there has been strengths that has grown from the experiences, its creativity from now on, would have to draw from the interactions in my life instead of the palette of my thoughts.
It was good to see Akasha when I headed for the warmth of the fires. She was soon brooding over how to help me out with my 'problem' with Sin. I did appreciate her concern but began explaining that each day that our hardheadedness clashes we learn respect for each other, finding the strengths in each other that worked together.
One of the men there seemed to understand and added that if it was to be a relationship to last a lifetime then it needed a strong foundation. That it takes time. We fell into an easy discussion of families and for the first time I didn't feel an ache of not having one. It was the first time I didn't feel uncomfortable just talking with someone or a need to avoid certain topics or subjects.
He had instantly picked up on my love for histories asking if I were of the Story Tellers. It was something I enjoyed but I have a strong devotion to my clan. Wasn't that the third time today I had said that very thing? I listened as well to the pride in his voice while he offered the line of his ancestors and in a way absorbed it as part of my own. I appreciate that he gave me that gift. He spoke of respect with respect.
Now a sense of humor is something I can enjoy too. I watched in amusement as he tossed sleen over his shoulder and walked away teasing the women he left at the fires. Well, until Akasha went off on him about him not invading her dreams ... then I was simply wondering what exactly I missed.
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