I did not mean to be so harsh when I asked her ... why, who, how .. why? It caught me even more off guard to find out noodle's head was as bare as a newborn babe's bottom because she had asked for it to be instead of my original thought that it had been some extreme punishment. Hadn't I thought of doing the same at one point or another in hopes that all the golden strands were what kept me from being accepted in this world of dark features? But blue ... oh how I struggled to understand. She meant a lot to me with her blue hair, she meant a lot to me with pink hair and despite my less than tactful approach to understanding .. I cared for her with a gleaming bald head. It had never been anything of her appearance that had drawn me to her .. it was what was inside.
I listened to her heart and the rationale of her thoughts as she spoke until I could see where she was coming from. What was inside was what she wanted exposed .. she wanted to be ... who she was she wanted to be the girl that screamed from the inside to be let out. It wasn't peeling away skin until she reached whatever it was inside that touched another and ripping it through bone and sinew to lay it all out exposed. It was an outpouring from within .. for herself. It made me smile watching how those thoughts lit her face, set her body into this .. wriggly animation, excitement, enthusiasm, thirst for being who she was and I felt like celebrating with her .. the beauty, the grace and all of the wonderful things that made her ... her.
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