The old woman tossed another shoe at me and I was daring enough to dance in a swirl and sing a little louder. But I am smart enough to know not to hang around so she could get a better bead on me. I was still laughing when I slid in on my knees next to one of the Masters. He would make a nice shield to duck behind. Blue was already there and must have triggered his boast of not being his usual sweet self. There is no doubt the man is charismatic. The true Tuchuk men are. It is the endearing quality that makes us love them between the mean, mischievious and even steeped deep in meloncholy. See, three m's ... mmm. I do like him and it shows when we bounce taunts back and forth. He teases me unmercifully at times. Today I was giving it back on a platter taunting him a little about having grease on his fingers the last time he tried to carry me away. I have such a way with men ... they um lose me somewhere between calling my name and .. where ever they intended to wind up. None of them seemed to mind playing hide and seek. I am not very good at that one .. they don't try very hard to find me. I really need to find a new game.
He was grilling blue and I about what we had learned of tracking when the weaver arrived. His good mood spilled over on her and soon we were all laughing. That was mostly at the visual of blue turning over fluff balls looking for fluffy balls. That is a whole 'nother story about trying to figure out the sex of giani kittens. Somewhere in the mix I mentioned a hope for more responsibilities. With Me too gone, I had time on my hands. He asked if he should mention it to Cana. I am not afraid of asking by any means but people often have far more pressing situations to deal with than the wants and wishes of an enslaved woman. What had me more in quandry wasn't finding the kaiila Mistress preoccupied of late but rather protocols. I am a stickler for those in case no one has noticed. So .. I asked in one of those jumble of words that made most people's hair blow back ... who should I speak to first .. him or her? He handed me back a riddle.
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