Take me down to the paradise city,
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Oh, won't you please
take me home
~Guns and roses
I rolled out of my furs dressing for the rendezvous I had planned every detail of. I grabbed a bota of water, some jerky, the thread bare blanket and jammed my feet into my boots. I was grinning by the time I jumped off the platform with one thought in mind ... Tall, dark and handsome here I come. I was still feeling plucky when I slid between the rails and stood right there in front of him, letting him know what I was there for and how serious I was about it all.
Tuchuk males have a glorious ego and his was highly offended that I could even think of such a thing. No one was going to tell him what he was or was not going to do, not even one he sort of liked .. a little. Taking the ends of the blanket, it caught in the air to spread and was snatched with an ease and tossed right back in my face before it could flutter down.
We can make it happen, we can make it happen ... yeah!
There were a few more attempts before I finally figured out I was going to have to change tactics. How about a little bit of soft purred coaxing?
Please. It will be so goood.
It did get me a bit closer, allowed me to sidle up to him all snugly comfortable, thinking yeah baby that's it, yes, yes!
That was the first time I felt the dust meet my butt. Not the last .. oh no. I am a stubborn woman and I was determined. I kept getting up and trying again.
Let's get this over with. You want it, you know it. Come on, let's do it.
Ahh, a whole different idea sprang in my head. A sneaky one. Misdirection. I'm going to go now .. you win. I give up ... See I ammmm walking away annnnd I am never coming back. Ambush .. it worked!
No it didn't!
By now I was exhausted, breathing hard, my dress ripped in a few crucial places, dirt ground into my knees, into the leather on my back, bits of dried leaf in my hair, limping, feeling thoroughly ravished. Oh skies yes, I wanted another taste of that and I blew him a kiss on my way back to the wagon.
No big, dumb, stupid head kaiila was going to get the best of me and Sinewy had just better get used to that fact. I would be back.
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