Release from this weary task of mine has been my plea to the gods throughout this long year's watch, in which, lying upon the palace roof of the Atreidae, upon my bent arm, like a dog, I have learned to know well the gathering of the night's stars, those radiant potentates conspicuous in the firmament, bringers of winter and summer to mankind, the constellations, when they rise and set. So now I am still watching for the signal-flame, the gleaming fire that is to bring news from afar and tidings of its capture. For thus she commands, woman in passionate heart and man in strength of purpose. And whenever I make here my bed, restless and dank with dew and unvisited by dreams--for instead of sleep fear stands ever by my side, so that I cannot close my eyelids fast in sleep--and whenever I care to sing or hum and thus apply an antidote of song to ward off drowsiness, then my tears start forth, as I bewail the fortunes of this house of ours, not ordered for the best as in days gone by. But tonight may there come a happy release from my weary task! May the fire with its glad tidings flash through the gloom! Oh welcome, you blaze in the night, a light as if of day, you harbinger of many a choral dance in Argos in thanksgiving for this glad event. I thus cry aloud the signal to rise from her bed, and as quickly as she can to lift up in her palace halls a shout of joy in welcome of this fire, if the city of Yon truly is taken, as this beacon unmistakably announces. And I will make an overture with a dance upon my own account; for my lord's lucky roll I shall count to my own score, now that this beacon has thrown me triple six. Ah well, may the master of the house come home and may I clasp his welcome hand in mine! For the rest I stay silent; a great ox stands upon my tongue. Such proverbial expression for enforced silence “A key stands guard upon my tongue" Yet the house itself, could it but speak, might tell a plain enough tale; since, for my part, by my own choice I have words for those who know, and to those who do not know, I've lost my memory.
Aeschylus Watchman
Well, I'm running down the road trying to loosen my load ...
It had been just one of those days. A new kaiila had snapped the rope at the breaking post sending more than one man into the dirt and mud. A pail of offal had been turned over and left to swelter beneath until the rank of it summoned notice and ... Dumbass had taken not one, not two but three nips at some of my tender parts, the last so close I could feel the glide of a fang against the leather. I'd had enough and snagged him down to me by the tuft of one ear and ground my cheek against his maw speaking low enough only he could hear. When I turned loose and spun around to stalk away from the beast Barhk stopped to ask what I had said to the animal. I glanced back to notice, the kaiila had begun backing up shaking his head then dipping it low to paw gently at the ground. I huffed into the air trying to let go some of the pent up ire so that when I looked back at the Master I could speak more calmly. "I told him that if he tried that again, I was going to tie his malehood up so tight with his tail that his high pitched squeels would sound like a mating call to Holo." Bark blinked and blinked again as did several of the other Masters standing close and all of a sudden they let loose kneeslapping, belly holding thunders of horse laughs. Laughter. I don't like being laughed at especially when I am feeling vulnerable. It seemed the rest of the day's work was done since no one could do anything now .. but laugh.
Walking back toward the wagons, I just felt exhausted. I didn't even bother trying to bathe, just seeking the haven of the wagon instead. Knocked up in neutral and coasting in angel gear down a jack knife vertical as I fell asleep strumming my fingers through the bowl of blue beads Tarra had given me. The color of healing.
I get a peaceful easy feeling ...
Mists began to part exposing the archaeic cobblestone terrace. Pearlescent clouds enveloped the sides of the balcony like soft mellow cotton balls. Floating. I felt as if I were floating over the surface to perch on one of the marble benches that adorned the scene. Dreams do what they wish and speak as they want and this one was no different.
There was a feeling of serenity as a lioness draped over my feet and another stretched languidly at my side. The approach of a male didn't instill any feelings of fear but touched a smile I knew instinctively toyed with my own outside this dream state. He came to stand at the precipice in front of me peering down ... watching ... watching .. watching. There beneath the ledge the world spread itself out in a spledid terrascope, flowing with images from all my worlds. Here, there, everywhere.
To my left, upon a woolen snowy cloak came the gleaming glint of gold ... coins stacked one atop another to form a tower into the heavens ... leaning ... listing over precariously .. poised so ready to crumble and fall.
Mmmm to the left, to the left. Everything you own in the box to the left, baby ...
I followed the gaze of the male to the right, stroking my fingertips through the downy softness of his mane, feeling rather than hearing the low rumble of his purr resonate outward where the echoes rolled like thunder. Shaking the foundations of villages and small townships.
Between the balance there was a serene glide of a hawk winging its way across the land, her shadow covering the ground with the tred of a wolf. Antelope leapt with grace to the safety of the woods but the rabbits happily continued to munch away without a care.
She's a huntress on the prowl, her love will make you howl ...
It was the sensual growl that drew my attention. Closer now. Closer. I felt the sinewed movement beneath his pelt and before I could stop him, he stepped off the edge. For a moment I stood watching the inch worm lope of his strides in the distance and then ...
I stepped into the mist. Instead of the dreaded fear of falling, I felt myself running, running hard, running fast, running scintilatingly breathless, running with the pack .. not the pride but a pack of sleen .. as one of them on a direct intercept course.
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