It was a good thing I was in such a good mood when I found the fires. Akasha was asking if I had gotten the things she sent over when blue popped right into the middle of the conversation to offer service. It grated on the edge a little but I wasn't about to insult the other woman to give in to the demand for attention. That is exactly what it was. It was all the more evident in, when she didn't get it immediately, the slave just up and walked away. It was not the first time she has done this but she was not in my service then, not in my space when she did it. I had already meant to speak to her of the last time but then I had been pretty busy with important matters. This time I wasn't going to let it go.
The other apprentice and I discussed the health, welfare and healing of some of the mounts we had been caring for. These initial trials could mean the make or break of our futures but far more importantly was the future of those that would ride them. In the meantime I found a point that I could call the slave to me. I did however leave her there at my boots to stew while I continued to talk of Sinewy and Akasha's beast and the wounds he had on his side.
So now that the girl had my full undivided attention just what it was she was offering when she interrupted moments before? Yes, I knew it was service even before she tried the rote answer. She was going to act as if she were confused about the question. Did she cease to offer it when she did not receive immediate attentions? No? Then why did she walk away? She was stoic in her response that my looking at her and my not responding to her plea to be able to serve was a silent gesture that she was not needed. Seemed like she needed a good lesson in silent gestures to me. Probably more so in respect and the basics of service. She wasn't mine or I .. I am not sure what I would do to her, yes I do. I knew Fonce had taught her better but her actions made him appear to be an inept Master. I know full well he isn't so I do not lay blame in his training of her. I proceeded to explain in slow, simple terms that I had looked at her because she had interrupted and if I had no wish for her service she would have been given notice, a word, a signal that couldn't be misunderstood. Did I want anything from her now? I was hungry and thirsty and I ached from the morning's work out but I was too angry now to enjoy the appeasement. What I wanted now was for her to see to the others, really hoping she could show the pride of her collar in doing so. I almost popped a cork when she interrupted someone else's conversation. Great skies, I thought Sinewy was stubborn. That was two. I let her know that she had just done what she had been reprimanded half ihn ago. And she gives me that huh .. duh look. She was in Seth's service by then and I would not insult his abilities to handle the slave. But she had one more in my book before I would take action. There are some that would not have the patience to give that much. I've seen hardened Masters in even the cities that would have ended her on just that first one. I did care for the girl but if someone fed her to the sleen I would not have had to ask why.
But speaking of popping a cork .. while I was talking with blue, Saresh had popped Akasha with a bota stopper saying that he was aiming at some big squishy bug. Then, Seth and Silken had approached and blue was sent to dance for the iron master. It wouldn't matter if blue kept it 'R' rated or plunged the moves into those pawpittipawtapaw backed porn positions, I figured it was time to snag Akasha and go for a ride. Maybe she snagged me but we got out of there fast before Silken rocked the girl's world in a way no pressure backed bottle cap ever could.
Back at the pens, the other woman and I took out two of the more intermediately trained rides. I knew one was built for speed and the other good at jumping. We tested their skills in many ways. The cutting abilities was a bit loose to me, the turns not quite tight enough. I worked Keah over and over making the swing was a little closer each time until he began to try to knicker. One quick pull on the reins and a solid thunk of my heels into his flank sent a mixed signal that dug his haunches in tight. We would try again with sounds and touch of approval when he did well and a firm hand when he gave me attitude. An idea was forming, and it was something I was going to talk to Vreeland about later. That would wait a while especially since I'd snitched his extra pair of leathers when my skirt was too tight to saddle up. I'd hitched them on with a rope belt beneath my dress. It would do for now.
Feeling a bit feisty now, I challenged Akasha to a ride. Let's see what the beasts were made of. It would be an out across the plains to the outcrop of rocks then off to the stream to let the kaiila have a drink. I have no idea where .. but I lost the woman. I, myself, was lost in the first real ride of freedom. I do admit I left a cussing kicking warrior soaking wet when I raced past him sending up plumes of water to douse him good. Yes, I know ... that was cold.
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