The skin of the bota I had turned up was talking to me but it had Barhks's voice. I finished the deep swallow and brushed the rest off my mouth with the back of my hand, very pleased to actually find the gruff old man standing in front of me. He motioned to a nice little knot on the fence rail to sit so we could talk. I was tensing up to hear all about making them wait earlier but he surprised me. He wanted to know about my hesitance with Sinewy, not the waiting for him to still but the ... before that ... part. I tried to hem and haw around the subject but he can be very persuasive or maybe just down right persistant. With a long sigh I decided to just go ahead and let him know .. I was nutso, crazed, loose a few wheel lugs. He listened with a nod now and then and a hmm or an I see but he never did have that ... that explains everything ... she's loco, look. He began very slowly as he wove the tale of his first experiece ... real experience with the kaiila and some of what I had just described. He said he felt as if a crimson flood had begun to rise around his boots, threatening to swallow him up whole. My turn to listen with a nod, a hmm and an I see. More than once since I have come here, someone will step out of the shadowbox that I have them in. Barhk did that now in that rich gruffness to explain that what I had felt everyone has within them, only they don't know it. In Too Ition. I had to smile as he phrased the word thinking he was going to have to explain its meaning ... slowwwwly to me. It was the connection we all have to each other and to what is around us. We tune it out, disregard that it is there but something will bring it to focus and we experience it full blown, new as if it was something strange, terrible or odd. Some he said may never give it a second thought continuing on as if it never happened and some will carry what they hear or see with them a lifetime. It was as if he was waiting for some answer for me as he stood up and struck the side of his leathers sending a plume of dust in the air.
It all depends on what you do with it.
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